A day in the life....

....of me!

Now that I'm back, I thought I'd give you all a flavour of what a day in my life is like. Not gonna lie, this might be quite a boring post, depending on what day I choose. I've had a little think, and it's quite difficult to choose a day that is representative of the majority of days (statistics is important!), partly because I travel a lot and even when I'm working, my work life is quite flexible.

So I've decided to go with my standard 'working from home' [wfh] day, set in the summertime, because days are longer and I can spin the post out a bit further 😋

WfH days all pretty much start the same. The alarm goes off, and I grin smugly, because husband has to go to work and I don't. I get tea in bed and a grimace, and get down to work: I like to deal with emails and get a few hours work in before other people log onto their laptops and begin to bombard me with everything under the sun.

Around 9am I'll emerge from my bed, don my #activewear and whip up my weekday breakfast (1 egg, a healthy dash of egg white and some Maltese gbejna creates a wonderful omelette). Cup of tea number 3 and I settle down for another couple of hours work at my computer desk, throwing open the French doors to enjoy the sun.

Around 11.15, I take my break, half my working day done. I bought a bike last summer so I get it out, and enjoy the half hour ride to the swimming pool. I always have an internal debate about which route I should take: one is up a massively steep hill but has better bicycle paths, whereas the other is slightly less strenuous but requires cycling through a town centre. Naturally I change my mind every time about optimal route, usually at the point where I'm halfway up the hill and thinking 'I'm gonna die!!!'

My swimming session is always carefully timed. There's an optimal point in the middle of the day, when most people are eating their lunch and don't want to be doing exercise, where the pool is virtually empty and I'm almost guaranteed a lane of my own. Being the grumpiest person in the world, I don't want to share my swimming time with children splashing around, old people in my way or super fit people who put me to shame. So noon until one is the magical hour - I can get sixty laps in, meticulously measured by my waterproof Fitbit and tuning out to my favourite playlist of songs on my waterproof mp3 player. As it turns out, I'm a bit of a tech geek.

Cycle home and it's back to work. I won't go into that, it's all a bit dull. But usually by 4pm I'm done, and can move onto some fun stuff. This usually includes a selection of ....

  • Cooking something tasty for dinner. Yes, I know that most people consider cooking to be a bit of a chore, but I rather enjoy spending an hour in the kitchen, setting a tagine to stew low and slow whilst having a bit of a dance to the radio.
  • Chilling out in the sunshine, with a new book. I invariably have a book on the go, and there's no better spot to do some reading than on a deck chair in the sun, on a freshly mowed lawn.
  • Hitting the micro-pub with husband, enjoying a tasty drink and simultaneously indulging in a bit of Pokemon Go gameplay
  • Having a BBQ, possibly cooking a fresh tuna steak or home-made burgers, sipping a chilled Rose and instagramming the lot. This is one of my faves 😄😄

Aubergine curry - another fave
One of my many BBQing triumphs
Gosh, it doesn't some like I have much human interaction! An interesting point, because most people think of me as the massive extrovert, who gets their energy from all the people I'm surrounded with and with whom I engage with. I absolutely am. Which makes my WfH days all the better, because the solitude is so different. It gives me that one day a week where I can indulge in me, my thoughts, my wellbeing and draw a new kind of energy for myself. It relaxes me and grounds me, and boy do I need that! That being said, it makes getting up to go into the office the next day so much easier, because by then I am ready for some social interaction!

And that's it, a day in the life. I'll do another one of these posts soon, next time focussing on a non-workday.
