The Anglo Australian Telescope (AAT)

So a few months ago I spend a lot of my University's money to fly out to the AAT in Oz. It ranks up there as one of the most exciting weeks of my life for the following reasons:

  1. I pushed myself to the limit. There are 24 hours in the day and I was awake for most of them for 4 days. In addition, I watched the sun set and then rise, all without a nap.
  2. Kangaroos. Big ones, small ones, hopping all over the place. Allegedly. For some reason, everytime I went outside, they went into hiding. Douchebags.
  3. I learned that scientists will spend millions of pounds on tiny robots for telescopes. Which will, inevitably, break a few times a night. Easily fixable, but a pain in the arse when you have to climb to the top of the dome at 4am.
  4. Did you know that when you're sitting about 'observing' you drink about 10 cups of tea and eat a gazillion sandwiches? In just one night??
  5. I never want to look at a galaxy spectrum again. Imagine - I looked at 2400 galaxies in 3 nights . Hard freaking core!!
So there you go. Don't know anything about astronomy?? Always wanted to use a telescope?? I've just laid it out for you. Done and Done.
