Bridget Jones A.K.A. Nicky Agius

So I'm sitting on my lovely soft sofa watching Bridget Jones, for the first time in a long while. Lol, just wrote the word 'wine' instead of 'while'. Which brings me to my point. Most girls, everywhere, embody some part of Bridget. We're not all fat, and we don't all drink or smoke too much, and some of us have boyfriends who aren't workaholics or megalomaniacs or whatever. But we do all have something in common. I do wonder what my 'Bridget Jones Diary' would look like...

22nd December 2011

Drinks last night: 4 (5 if count extremely large scotch as 2)
Cigarettes : 0
Calorie intake : thousands (pasta, pizza, snackettes, etc)

Spent the morning looking after godson and his brother. Kids were lovely whilst sleeping and cute, but annoying once crying and hungry. Must remember never to have children. Unless they're exactly like me. Would be great if children could come out at legal drinking age and accompany me to the pub. Of course, would need a C-section so as not to destroy my body further.

Going to the pub to watch football tonight. Must not drink too much. At age 24, can no longer handle my pints. Must look gorgeous. Not putting makeup on in the car for fear of disaster. Should probably shave my legs. Shit, pizza is burning. More later...

Yes, well, I suppose it would go something along those lines.
