Summer trip to Malta Mk2

Yep, I'm back. Needed a little break from blogging the last month, largely because I spent the month doing nothing but working, gym-ing and eating healthy and therefore had absolutely bugger all inspiration to satisfy you greedy blog readers. But fresh from another short visit to Malta, and my inspiration is #reinvigorated.

Let's get the incessant complaints out of the way first. Travelling to and from Malta is getting worse and worse. This time I spent the flight down squished into a corner by a fat hairy man who insisted on watching a movie on his laptop WITHOUT HIS HEADPHONES whilst swigging from a duty free bottle of Jim Beam. I was in utter disbelief....that's totally illegal and he was being so blatant about it! Then, when the three hours of this terror was over and I was eagerly anticipating the relief of being away from this monster, a child on my row decided to vomit all along the aisle in front of the door. So I had to endure a further 15 minutes of standing around sniffing this horrible combination of strong alcohol and vomit. And the flight back was terrible in a different way: nearly two hours delayed, over lunchtime with no food, then a series of delayed trains and a 20 minute walk home in torrential rain....

All I can say is that I was weary. Very weary.

But Malta was super fun, as usual. Amazing temperatures and sunshine, the most beautiful pool at my beck and call and lots of ice cream and Maltese snacks.

So what did I get up to on this little fun run?

For a change, husband had decided to make the trip down with me. This one was only a flying visit - a mere four days - but we managed to squeeze a whole bunch of fun activities in. Starting with Game Day with the twins!

The twins are my cousins, both nine year old boys with a penchant for sport, activity and fun. So we decided to spend a day breaking out the board game collection, cracking open a few cisks (water for the little uns) and adding a little BBQ into the mix. Major kudos to my aunt who set us up in style with a well-stocked fridge (food and drinks) and a tall pile of games to get stuck into.
A world of games at our fingertips

Lesson in setting up your shot
Needless to say, a great time was had by all. Oli was in charge of the scoreboard and, once we worked out the right way to keep score, did a wonderful job of making sure I was constantly in the lead. Top of my list of games was the Game of Life, which I've never played before and had a great time with. Bottom of the list was the one where you stick something in your mouth to make you drool whilst people have to guess what you're saying. The boys managed to make up a few points playing billiards whilst I rocked the BBQ look, but then I brought it back on Cluedo. Finally, when we were all exhausted and nap ready, husband and I went back home to work on our tans in the pool.

That evening led to even more fun - we went to the Marsa Sports Club to watch my mum and aunt play a tennis match in the floodlit tournament. Quite unusual to see them playing together and it was a good fun match to watch, although I didn't envy them playing in the 30+ degree heat. During the match, I chilled with more family members and a few bottles of rose, which pretty much set the theme for the night. I.e. more rose, then more rose, with a bit of steak thrown into the mix at the club restaurant. A thoroughly fun night, and just what you'd expect from a Thursday night in the mediterranean: good friends, good food and good wine.

Friday was one of those quite chillaxed days. A bit of a lie-in, a little trip to the supermarket to pick up some supplies, and lots of lying on the lilo in the pool. We cooked up the most delicious red snapper, stuffed with prawns and herbs, to perfection on the BBQ, and made our way through a couple more bottles of our favourite rose. Later in the afternoon, we made our way to Mellieha for the final family night of the summer. The full Zammit clan descended, we ate a lot of pizza and drank some more wine, had a little swim in the sea and everything was wonderful.
Friday fish with a difference
We found ourselves back at Mellieha on Saturday. Mum had picked up loads of fresh ftiras, and I made a tahlita of tomatoes, olives, cheese and lots of fresh basil and mint. It was a gorgeous sunny day (aren't they all in August?) and we had our books to keep us company. The perfect relaxation to set me up for the night ahead - my cousin Fran's hen do! Well, one of them anyway - she's having a second one in Marbella!

I won't go into all the details of the hen, because it was a cheeky little affair. We had a nightclub to ourselves, with an open bar, tasty snacks going round and a DJ playing some tunes. The standard hen party games ensued and I think she had a wonderful time :) I certainly had a great time drinking prosecco and chatting with my sister and other cousin. In the meantime, Husband spent the night watching Spurs play at my sister's flat, where her fiance had cooked up a peri peri chicken on the BBQ and brought in the beers. It could have been worse!

Happy hen faces
Sunday was our last day in Malta - I did say it was a short trip! We made the most of it however, enjoying the sun and the pool for the last time this summer. Because all the fun stuff in Malta happens in the evening, we threw a BBQ that night for a few family members. I never get tired of flaming up those yummy pink maltese sausages (we cooked 64 for 11 people!!), and of course my world famous roasties made an appearance.

And that's it....another trip to Malta over and what feels like the end of summer (even though there's so much more to come). Perhaps not the most exciting of blogs for you all, but hopefully you've enjoyed the pictures at least. Over and out!
