tasty Japanese

So I know I'm totally behind on my blogging about this trip, but I'm going to skip ahead to briefly talk about this place we went for dinner last night, because it was some of the best food I've ever eaten in my life.

I'm pretty new to sushi, and because of that I've mostly stuck to eating tuna and salmon sushi and sashimi. But last night my dad and his girlfriend took me to this Japanese place in Tsim sha tsui (an area of Hong Kong which is popular for its shopping, restaurants and bars). Unlike a lot of restaurants we've been to here, this one was quite casual and relaxed, which I quite like. None of that white tablecloth type thing.

Like a lot of places in Asia, they had a very elaborate drinks list and one of those menus with pictures of the different foods shown. I know it sounds very childish, but there are so many strange foods here that I quite appreciate using these menus. Not that I usually order anything - dad and Annie are the experts with all this food so I let them choose what we're going to eat.
Daddy is carefully perusing the menu

We ordered a bottle of Japanese sake - I can't remember what it was called. We got really large shot glasses as well to drink it out of - needless to say I sipped it. We didn't have to wait very long before the food started to arrive either...

Tasty sake :D
The first thing we got was a plate of yellowtail sashimi. This was lovely - the fish was extremely fresh, the wasabi was plentiful and strong and it all just melted on the tongue. We liked this so much we immediately ordered another plate of it!! I decided at this point that no matter what came after the sashimi, it would be my favourite dish of the night. I was wrong.

Next plate up was the 'puffy fish' - I surmised that this was pufferfish, not much of a stretch I admit. This was the most beautiful thing I have ever tasted, even though I was initially worried it would poison me. The fish had been cut very thinly, and marinated and cooked in something sweet (possibly honey). It was divine...I could eat this every day for the rest of my life. Seriously.

tuna and crab sushi on the left, puffy fish on the right
All the dishes after this were really good, but nothing compared to these two. I particularly liked the soft shell crab and tuna sushi and we had soft shell crab cooked in a different way as well, although I can't remember how. The leak and garlic beef rolls were also super super tasty. In fact, the only thing I didn't try was the smelt fish, because they still had heads on and looked super gross. And I wasn't a big fan of the tofu we had either, but given all the other food and two bottles of sake we had, I was very happy by the end of this meal.

Sadly out of food

There you have it. Japanese food - my new favourite. If anyone can recommend awesome Japanese cuisine in the Lancashire area, I would seriously appreciate it. Yum yum :D
