Trip Countdown

Don't you love that 'I've got 24 hours until I have a 28 hour trip half-way around the world' feeling? I totally do. Tomorrow night at 7.30 my flight leaves from Manchester for Heathrow, and at 10.30 I board the Qantas/BA airbus A380 for my 25 hour flight to Melbourne. I've got butterflies in my stomach because I'm so excited, but I really need to settle down and organise all the stuff I need to organise!

Superjumbo plane that I'll be riding on - love the Qantas roo
Actually, things are pretty much on track. I've finished up all the work I needed to do, printed and loaded onto my computer all the work I'll need and sent my paper out for comments to all my collaborators. I'm not expecting any comments back for a few days....the paper came out at 23 pages in the end!

I've picked up all my Oz cash, got my e-ticket and made a list of the clothes/appliances/general stuff I have to pack. I'll do the packing this afternoon after we go sit in the beautiful sun for lunch - packing shouldn't take more than an hour max. Then I'm going to sit in the park/go to Friday pub if it's in the sun and enjoy myself. And tomorrow we're probably gonna have a bbq before I set off (cannot wait to stink of bbq on the plane).

My favourite part of travelling, of course, isn't the incessant waiting around in airports, but the sitting down in my comfy seat on the giant plane and looking forward to all the things to come. A 25 hour plane ride doesn't really phase me - I've got 2 books and multiple papers to read, 7 episodes of Supernatural ready downloaded, programming to do if worst comes to the worst, not to mention sleeping and all the in-flight entertainment. I've got my jet-lag plan all set up, so once I arrive in Melbourne I'll be ready to go.....just wait for it, Brad and Kate :D

So...I'll keep you all updated on my journey. It's going to be a month of fun times, much wine tasting and sadly, quite a bit of hard word (I'm giving a 12 minute talk at the Conference, and a 45 minute seminar at the Australian Astronomical Observatory). Hopefully, I won't get attacked by a dropbear. Wish me luck chaps :D
