A Throne of Games

Since I started my Ph.D and started going out with Boyfriend there's been a real influx of something in my life that I never expected.....

Board Games

Yes..those dreaded things. Excellent for keeping kids busy, great for breaking through the silence during an awkward dinner party and they can really get those internal cogs turning. They're not too bad when you play them on a rainy Sunday at the pub, with a glass or two of wine. So I'm going to give a quick run through of the games I've had to suffer through (or maybe enjoy in the pub with wine on the odd occasion) over the last year.

Scrabble - one of the first and most frequently played games. It can be quite fun between a few people and, if like me you know lots of words, you can get quite good at it. It can sometimes drag on a bit but it is a game I've managed to win on occasion.

Monopoly - ohhh the horror!! This game seems to be quite popular amongst men but I, for one, do not enjoy playing it. It's long, tedious and can take some nasty unexpected twists which leave you broke and bored. It makes me super sad faced.

Game of Thrones  - a game I particularly enjoy. It does take an especially long time to play, particularly when people are only just learning the rules, but it is a lot of fun. If you enjoy the books or film this game is based on, you'll love this game. It's sort of like playing Risk, but you get all the GoK characters, lands and other interesting things.

Drinking Ludo - Ok, I've not played this yet, but I got this game for Christmas and it looks epic!! All the simplicity of Ludo, with all the fun of drinking shots if you do well :D

I guess we've played loads of other games over the year, but I can't be arsed explaining and you can't be arsed reading about them.  The reason I decided to blog about this topic is because I have to deal with playing board games a lot at the moment. I don't particularly hate it, to be fair, but I also don't particularly like it. I find it quite tedious to sit down for several hours and try to win something with no prize or other incentive. And the worst part is, I'm a really sore loser. I try not to be but I can't help it.

So, since these are the cards I've been dealt with, how am I going to use them and how can I learn to enjoy using them??
