A Sunny Saturday

This morning I woke up pretty early, in spite of having had a pretty late night last night. The sun was shining in through all the windows in our house and I was excited about going out for a walk in the sun.

Since we live right next to Moor Park and Sainsbury's is on the other end of the park, I figured I'd walk across to there, instead of going into town for the market or ordering our food online. So after a yummy breakfast and sending boyfriend off for his Magic tournament, I set off across the park, shopping bags in hand.

Even though the weather was beautiful, it was pretty cold out there so the park wasn't very busy. I saw a few old couples out for a passiggata (that's Maltese for 'walk') and a few mothers out with their strollers and young kids. I felt so peaceful as I walked through the middle of the park and that's when I came across some guys playing rugby.

The front of the school
I stood and watched for a while and, even though I've watched plenty of rugby in the past few years, this dredged up some great memories of Saturdays at my boarding school, Stonyhurst College. As a Jesuit school, we had to go to class on Saturday mornings, but the best part of any weekend for me was a Saturday afternoon. Some days we would take a taxi into Clitheroe, to buy snacks and trinkets and drinks for the next few weeks. Most days, however, we'd wander down the school's avenue, watch the boys play rugby against some competing school and I would just chill with my friends.
One night at the Bayley Arms
 in Hurst Green

The two years I spent at Stonyhurst were two of the best of my life. Besides the educational value that it had for me; the friends I made there, the experiences I had and the damage it did to my liver will be with me forever. Boarding school isn't for everyone but it was certainly the place for me. I could regale you all with stories of some of the ridiculous things we got up to there but...no wait, maybe I will. How else will I relive them in my mind??

A trip with Stony friends
 to Madrid
I had some marvellous friends at Stony. Different friends for different things. Some of us would watch House together, some of us were in choir together and some of us were in the cadets together. And there were a certain few of us who did lots of baaaad things together. We'd sneak out to the pub on a Wednesday afternoon. We'd break curfew and we'd get drunk and then eat a loaf of bread to soak up the booze whilst gossiping in the kitchen.

We'd have loads of parties, some of which were charitable events organised by the students. The girls in the dorm would spend hours getting ready together - it was like one massive slumber party, all the time. And some days, we'd just sit around in our rooms, talking and gossiping and watching movies and thinking about our futures. And boys of course. What more could any girls want??

So those were all the thoughts and memories running through my head today, as I walked through the park. I think I might do that more often.
