Junior News

When I was about 10 years old and living in Malta, every Wednesday the Malta Times Newspaper would publish a kids section called the Junior News. It was one of my highlights of the week. They would include lots of children's drawings and short stories or articles. I myself was frequently chosen by this kiddie paper to review new children's films - including Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

I guess publishing my stories and articles in the Junior News was quite a big thing for me when I was young, just like getting lots of readers for this blog is currently an exciting part of my life, and getting my paper published in the next year is the next great thing I hope to happen. I have even been able to track down the issues I was published in, even though this happened over ten years ago. Unfortunately, it costs a bomb to download MY OWN ARTICLES from the Times archive but luckily I do remember, quite clearly in fact, the things I wrote about. Also, my very lovely mother was forward thinking enough to keep all my articles and send them to me.

One story I was particularly proud of was an account of a holiday my mother took me on when I was about 5 years old and living in Singapore. We took my Gran and little sister with us and travelled through Malaysia and on a canoe to a tiny island named Sibu Island. I still have quite vivid recollections of us staying in a wooden hut on a beach, with no electricity and only basic amenities - hardly a luxury vacation. But it was a very special time for us.

We spent the three days we were there lying on the beach or, since my sister and I were still very young, building sand castles, swimming in the sea and chasing the monkeys which were literally everywhere. I myself looked the proper little tomboy. This was apparently the time when I was given the nickname Mowgli, after the little boy in the Jungle Book who spends all his time running through the jungle and playing with the animals. One spectacular memory that I do have is playing under the coconut palms and having a monkey jump down on my head because it wanted to play. They were clearly all very tame.

When you grow older, it's hard to remember things from when you were very young. I only have a couple of memories left from when I was under 5 years old, and since this is one of the strongest ones, it is the memory I treasure the most.
