Lol!!! Well, tonight was an absolute hoot!!! Literally from start to finish. It wasn't one of those crazy nights out on the 'toon' but somehow it was so much better than that. Let me start at the beginning...
I had plans to meet Cat at the gym. Now I haven't been gyming since before Christmas and Cat is super into it so I knew it would be tough work. But that actually turned out ok...we showed up at the gym and of course (Sod's Law) the 'bring a friend along for free' Friday thing had totally expired. Luckily we managed to talk our way in for free. I say luckily...forty minutes later I was ready to die. But at least we got a sauna stay at the end of it...
The main plan for tonight was Natalie dropping off her dog Alphie. We went back to Cat's and cooked a delicious vegan thai curry (I know...delicious and vegan in the same sentence??!!!). And then the three of us spent the rest of the evening listening to music, playing with Alphie and just chilling. But that wasn't the funny part...
This came along when I got on the train at London Bridge back towards home. It's only a thirty minute trip, but boy was it eventful. Mainly, I was sat with three random girls and then a fifty year old drunken gent came along and decided to chat us up. Then a younger dude came and sat next to him to declare loudly how dumb women are.
Now I'm not a feminist. Not even close. But with a bottle of wine or so inside me, I felt the great need to point out to this young man (don't worry mum, he wasn't threatening or anything) that I am sitting for my final exam in my PhD Astrophysics next week, so how dare he call women dumb. I thought that would shut him up (and indeed he spent the rest of the ride apologising) but the amaze ball-ness came when the woman and her partner a couple of seats over publicly stood up and thanked me for denouncing him, saying I was super brave and a true representative of women. Well, that's all I'll say about that...frankly I didn't feel like a female representative so much as a female being annoyed by a drunken man. But, anyhow, that's all I'll say about that.
And anything else for that matter. I'm knackered. G'night chaps
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