Le Shinty - The rest of first Raisin Weekend

So, to continue on from my last post...

We got to my academic aunt's house around 10.30 am. There were loads of people there, most obviously my academic mother Marjh and my roommate Julia. We were pretty smashed but they were keen to show us a really good time.

Since the whole point of the Raisin academic mother's party is to have a mock tea party, Marjh and Springah (my aunt) had a whole series of tea party games to play. I don't remember the details of every single one but I do remember some basics, such as Flip Cup and Find the Jelly Bean. Don't know what these games are?? Better ask.

I think I passed out for about an hour around noon but was soon woken up as others needed the bed more. And honestly - I don't know what happened for the rest of the day. Somehow, I made it back to my bed in New Hall, with my face completely coloured in with permanent marker, around midnight. One thing I do know is that I made some lifelong friends that day
